17 Feb 5 best exercises for foot pain
Foot pain is a common condition experienced by many of us today. Playing sports, wearing the wrong shoes and injuries such as from running can contribute to worsening of the foot function, increased muscle tightness or weakness, as well as affecting the overall health of an individual.
In order to optimise your foot health and reduce the risk of injuries, our head podiatrist has prepare these useful foot exercises that you can practice easily at home. Read this article about the 5 best exercises for foot pain. Remember, be gentle with these exercises when you first start and stop if you experiences pain and discomfort.

– Sit straight in a chair with the feet apart, in full contact with the ground.
– Place a towel on the ground to the outside of the foot.
– Keep the heel to the ground and knee stable,
– Grasp and pull the towel towards the centre.
– Repeat this exercise until the towel has been pulled entirely between the feet.
– Repeat the same exercise in the opposite direction.
– Continue this exercise for 15times x 2reps

– Sit straight in a chair and straighten one leg in front of you.
– Place the heel on the ground
– Slowly bring your toes up towards you
– Then slowly point your toes away from you.
– Continue this movement for 15times x 2reps.

– Sit straight in a chair with the feet flat to the ground.
– Place a tissue paper on the floor.
– Try to use your toes to pick up the tissue paper and hold it.
– Let the tissue paper go and repeat the exercise again.
– Continue this exercise for 5times x 2 reps.

– Sit straight in a chair with the feet flat to the ground.
– Lift all five toes up while keeping the heel on the ground.
– Hold this position for five seconds, then relax.
– Continue this exercise for 5times x 2 reps.

– Using a wall or chair to hold on to, stand and lift one foot.
– Your weight should be on the standing foot keeping the knee straight.
– Rise up on your toes holding it for 5 seconds, then slowly allow the foot to descend to the floor.
– Continue this exercise for 10times x 2 reps.
Practise this exercises regularly while watching TV or sitting at office. I doesn’t take long and it will contribute your foot health and reduce the risk of injuries.
If you are in pain or constantly get foot injures, go see a professional podiatrist. The sooner the problem is tackle the sooner you will recover. For those who live in Claremont or Oatlands, Tasmania, come and see our team of podiatrists. For bookings fill the form in our contact page or call us at call (03) 6249 1155 .
If you have any question about these exercises, leave a comment below, our podiatrist will be happy to answer!
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